Career Start Support

The Career Support pillar is one of the three pillars of STAR and it focuses on providing RSM students with all the career orientation, career preparation and training they need to be successful in the business world. With offline recruitment orientation during the STAR Management week, the Erasmus Recruitment Days, and other separate events organized throughout the year to bring students and companies together. During the whole year, STAR provides online career orientation on the Erasmus Recruitment Platform.

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Our career orientated flagships

Career Start Support

Prepare for your interviews or find out about your ultimate career path.

To land your dream job, there is a big chance your will have to undergo case-solving or and e-assessment.

These online resources might help you out:

Find out what your ultimate future career path can look like. This test will give you an edge in the job search process and privde feedback on career-focused questions.

Online (free) career advice for Dutch students

Extra *online* career advice

Since all upcoming career-related events are cancelled due to the coronavirus, our partner De Carrièrebus offers extra online CV, LinkedIn, and motivation letter checks! Furthermore, they are available for questions related to internships, jobs and employers.

So if you would still like to receive feedback on your CV/motivation letter or if you have any questions, contact to schedule an appointment!

De Carrièrebus is available from 9am-5pm by phone, email, chat and Skype.