People, Organisations and Change
The Master Study Club People, Organisations and Change (MSC POC) is a Master Study Club that specializes in rendering services to students at the RSM in the field of People Management and Human Resources. The Master Study Club is especially known for its successful social activities, but also offers other paths of over 50 students from around 10 different countries yearly. Our academic and business-related activities help to create the business leaders of today and tomorrow.
“A Master’s degree in HRM/POC combines the latest state-of-the-art knowledge on human resource management and organizational behaviour, with extensive opportunities to connect this theory with practice, bringing an unrivalled start to an international career within the HRM arena.” – eur.nl
The MSC POC unites and develops POC students using all means possible. Next to social drinks about every other month we also organize academic and recruitment events. Last year, the MSC POC (previously MSC HRM) organised different kinds of events. Among other events, workshops we’re organised, inhouse days, drinks and BBQs. In addition to this, a successful Study Trip was organised to Lisbon. Make sure to keep an eye on the STAR website to be the first one to buy tickets to all our events!