Mental Health

As the association of the Rotterdam School of Management we offer our support with regard to student well being.

Powered by STAR Academy

Trust Person

As a student you can reach out to one of our trust persons, Elise and Gyula, who you can go to for (personal) issues that may hinder a positive experience at STAR. These issues may range from (mental) illnesses to broader issues within STAR that make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Your chairman is your first contact person for these issues. However, issues that you do not want to discuss with your chairman, can be shared with them. Everything we discuss is confidential and will not be shared with anyone. Any further actions will only be taken with your explicit consent.

Trust Person - Elise Roos

Dear student,

My name is Elise Roos, feel free to reach out to me if you have questions/problems or just want to chat!



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Trust Person - Gyula Szijjártó

Dear student,

My name is Gyula Szijjártó and I am the Secretary of the 47th STAR Board. I completed two masters, one in Finance and Investments and one in Global Business and Sustainability, after completing IBA at RSM and decided to devote a year to STAR now. I joined the association in my first year and became an active member last year by joining the GBS Master Committee. Even though COVID has cut my university experience in half, I really enjoyed my time at EUR and STAR. Next to my studies I also became a TA for multiple courses and practiced theatre, music, and sports while exploring the busy many social activities that Rotterdam has to offer. However, all of the new experiences I gained in Rotterdam while studying, working, and socializing have also made me feel overwhelmed and lost at times. I found out it is very important to sometimes sit down and talk to some people about things you are struggling with. I’m glad to be able to offer a listening ear to everyone who would find it useful. Everything we talk about is strictly confidential.

You are always welcome to reach out to me if you have anything on your mind!



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