For companies

STAR is very aware of the importance of bringing students into direct contact with companies. It is vital that you provide your company name with maximum exposure within the university and profile yourself as a potential employer. Such is the key to ensuring that the best students will target your company for employment.

Throughout the years, STAR has gained experience in facilitating mutual meetings. In order to be introduced to successful bachelor’s and master’s degree students, STAR organizes many recruitment events each year. The STAR Management Week, the Erasmus Recruitment Days, Consultancy Castle, Case Competition, and the STAR Erasmus Consulting are amongst our most well known and successful events. However, finding the best event for the right target group is not always easy. Therefore, the following overview could help you to compare and select interesting events.


Jorick Stoel
Commercial Relations Manager
+31 (0)6 30715966

RSM STAR Mandeville Building

What can STAR offer?

  • Largest study association of Europe with access to 6.500 members, 250 of which are organizing one of the approximately 500 different STAR events
  • Famous recruitment events such as the STAR Management Week and Erasmus Recruitment Days
  • Study association of the RSM, the nr. 10 Business School of Europe
  • A specialized intermediary with 13 different Master Study Clubs which bridge the gap between Master students and potential employers
  • Through our internationally esteemed case competition we offer companies access to 16 student teams from international reputable business schools to present their solutions for your real-life business case

Our projects

STAR Management Week

The STAR Management Week is one of the largest business events in the Benelux, organised to bring companies and students together. The event takes place in October and November. Different activities are organised during these two weeks, such as an Entrepreneurial Seminar, dinners, inhouse days, speed interviews and a large STAR party. About a 1,000 students and 50 companies participate each year, just as many international speakers from well-known companies. There are opportunities for recruitment, speakers and exposure.

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Erasmus Recruitment Days

The Erasmus Recruitment Days is one of the largest on-campus recruitment events in Europe. The Erasmus Recruitment Days is organised by STAR and EFR. The event takes place in February. More than 2,800 students and 110 national and international companies participate each year. Different recruitment related activities are organized to get in touch with many business students, such as presentations, workshops, interviews, lunches, informal recruitment, dinners and off-campus days.

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Consultancy Castle

Consultancy Castle is a prestige event with the seven largest Strategy Consultants participating, as McKinsey, The Boston Consulting Group, Bain & Company, Strategy&, OC&C Strategy Consultants, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants and A.T. Kearney. The best 24 students throughout the Netherlands are selected. The event consists of two days with presentations, cases, lunches and dinners.

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Case Competition

Case Competition is an international competition with participating teams from all over the world. The best teams of students from partner schools of the RSM and CEMS program are invited. There are many opportunities for interaction with these students, and interesting analyses for real life cases. The event takes place during five days with two cases, coming from companies, that have to be solved.

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STAR Erasmus Consulting

STAR Erasmus Consulting is focused on conducting tailor-made research and consulting services in an emerging country. The project has previously taken place in Brazil, South-Korea, Thailand, Chile and this year Peru. The research is aimed to add sustainable value in the decision making process of companies. The project is carried out by a group of 25 consultants, supported by two professors.

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Erasmus Recruitment Platform

The Erasmus Recruitment platform is the online year-round extension of the Erasmus Recruitment Days, the biggest on-campus recruitment event of Europe. To make sure the power of Erasmus Recruitment Days is used over the entire year, we now present the online platform: Erasmus Recruitment Platform! For our partners the Erasmus Recruitment Platform offers strongly improved possibilities for employer branding among students of the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

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