EUR and RSM support

We care about you and your well-being, and we realize that studying can sometimes be tough. Fortunately, there are services you can turn to if you need support. Some of these initiatives are listed below. For example, you can schedule an appointment with one of RSM's study advisors, become a member of the student panel, or talk to someone who listens to you via the helpline.

Advice and Counseling of the EUR and RSM

RSM Student advisors

Our student adviser team provides a designated point of contact, where you can access professional help, advice and guidance during your studies at Rotterdam School of Management.

The student advisers are independent in their advising. They always take into account the special circumstances and needs of individual students. Do not postpone coming to see us when you have a question(s): for every appointment we take sufficient time and experience has shown that answers and solutions are often closer at hand than you might expect. And in case we cannot help you ourselves, we can get you into contact with someone who can.

Go to the website to schedule an appointment 

EUR Student psychologists

The student psychologists aim to offer support to students who have study issues and psychological, social and/or emotional problems that are hindering their study progress. If the student psychologists are unable to offer students the support they need, they will refer them to other internal and/or external support agencies.

Go to the website for more information 

Non-study-related matters

For questions about non-study-related matters, please contact EUR for advice and guidance. You can contact them if you are concerned about:

Whatever support you need, there is always a solution and someone ready to help you.

Initiatives of the EUR and RSM

All these initiatives you can find on the website:

Wellbeing Wednesday

Wellbeing Wednesday” is an initiative by RSM’s study advisors to reflect and look ahead at the factors that influence your studies, and how you can positively change them. During this 30-minute appointment, you will brainstorm about – small or larger – steps you can take to positively influence your studies. Book your appointment for Wellbeing Wednesday here.

Are you OK out there?

In the EUR wellbeing program “Are you OK out there?” you will find services that teach you how to deal with feelings of loneliness and stress to increase your motivation to study. You will also find information, activities, evidence-based exercises and tips to improve various aspects of your well-being.

Siggie online coaching

Free personal online coaching is available for EUR students. Siggie’s experienced coaches and psychologists know what to do against stress, loneliness, different types of anxiety and more. Siggie is part of an external organization called Mentaal Beter that is not affiliated with the university. It is a safe and anonymous place to get help. Read more about Siggie.

Boost your wellbeing

Relaxing next to studying is extremely important, so that you don’t get overwhelmed and get fresh energy! RSM’s study advisors have a page that is updated monthly with various activities to relax besides studying. Whether you like music, sports or art, there is something for everyone! Keep an eye on this page for the best activities in Rotterdam and at EUR.

Students' Helpline

Do you want to chat with fellow students for advice, be referred to good sources of professional support or do you just want a listening ear? Your peer supporters are there for you. Chat with one of your peer supporters.

Student Living Room
The Student Living Room is an informal place where you can connect with other students to relax or take part in a wide range of well-being related activities. Come to the Living Room.

Student Panel

EUR is developing a well-being app that students can use to learn how to deal with the challenges of university life. We need you to help us create a product that fits your needs and wishes! You can help us by testing the app and providing your feedback. Join our student panel.

Erasmus Walks

Do you need a walk and a nice conversation? Then sign up for Erasmus Walks, an initiative and collaboration with Frisse Gedachtes. If you do not live in Rotterdam, you can also register to call a fellow student. Erasmus Walks.