Merijn van Namen

Hello everyone!

I am Merijn van Namen and I am 20 years old. I will be the Information Processes manager of the XLVIIth STAR Board.

I am currently in the final phase of my BA degree. I was unsure what I wanted to do after my bachelor’s, so that is why I decided to take on the challenge and apply for a board year because I was excited by the personal and professional development it provides. I joined STAR in the first year of my bachelor’s degree but have remained a passive member up until now.

As the Information Processes manager, I will be responsible for IT related activities and issues, such as STAR’s website and aiding decision making through relevant data. I will also be responsible for technical support for the STAR Management Week and the Erasmus Recruitment Platform. Additionally, I will work on the Speaker Series and the recruitment for STAR’s committees.

I am very much looking forward to meeting everyone and making this upcoming year amazing for the STAR community.