The Master Study Club of Strategic Entrepreneurship consists of four students. They organize Career, Academic and Social events. This year their Study Trip is going to Stockholm, Sweden! Let’s find out about their experiences at STAR!
1. What was your first experience with STAR?
The AMW Beer Cantus! A fun evening with -primarily- lots of beer. The next morning was less fun, unfortunately 🙂
2. Which event are you most interested in during the Study Trip?
Visiting interesting Swedish companies and of course discovering the Swedish night life! More importantly, we see our study trip as a team outing given the close relationship within our master. Skål!!
3. What are you most looking forward to with your MSc this year?
At the end of the year, we are planning to host a closing BBQ on the beach to celebrate the end of the academic year! Hopefully, we can toast on a year with lots of (in)formal STAR-activities and a successful defense of all our master thesis of course.