Rik Alleleijn

Hi! My name is Rik Alleleijn and I’m the brand manager of the XLVIIth STAR Board. After being known as the tiktoker of STAR, there really was no other position better made for me. I’m 21 years old and just completed my bachelors in Business Administration.

In my first year I was part of the Activity Team for Active Members of STAR and this is when I fell in love with the association. The following year I joined the Marketing committee and I loved this as well (no surprises here.) After going on Exchange to Prague I did not join STAR during my third year, so to make up for it I decided to apply for a BOARD position.

As Brand Manager I am responsible for keeping the brand image of STAR as good as possible. I’m in charge of the social media channels of STAR. Furthermore I’ll also deal with the recruitment of new active members. I’ll work together with the brand managers of the SMW and the ERD, and with the STAR marketing committee and EurekaWeek committee.