Sam Legein

Hi! My name is Sam Legein and I am 21 years old.

Next year, I will be the Project Manager Career and Vice- Chair of the XLVIIth board of STAR. Although I have been living in Rotterdam for three years now I spent the other 18 years of my life in Antwerp, Belgium. In June I finished my bachelor in Business Administration and decided it was time for a new challenge. And I was certain a board year at STAR would fulfill that wish.

In my first year I joined the activity team of Business administration. This committee is only for first year students, which made us very close very fast. I am fortunate enough to still
consider the people in this committee close friends to this day. In my second year at STAR I joined the Reach Out committee. We worked with MIND, the contact point in the Netherlands for mental health, to create a better future.

In my third year of Business administration I did an international internship in Montréal, Canada. This experience taught me how to think strategically and manage challenges.

I am beyond excited for next year at STAR. Hopefully, my fellow board members and I can continue to enrich RSM students’ lives. Finally, I am already counting the days until the SMW and the ERD, the two events our full timers and I will work so hard for.